
BizActionHandler is the object model used by the BPMBusinessActionsService.startBizAction operation to provide the calling application with details of any event that occurs while processing the business action.


Name Type Description
response Object An object containing the data for the started business action. The object type depends on the event that has occurred, as shown below.
form Object Current form instance.
formContainerId String ID of the Div element containing the currently opened form.

Response Object Types

Event Name Response Object Type
bs.START PageResponse
bs.FORM_LOAD BusinessServiceType
bs.UPDATE PageResponse
bs.CANCEL CancelBusinessServiceResponseType
bs.COMPLETE PageResponse


Method Name Description
cancelPageflow() Cancel the processing pageflow and destroy the associated form.
See startBizAction for specific information on how the startBizAction operation uses the BizActionHandler object model as part of its callback function .