Class: PageResponse


new PageResponse()

Generic container for a business service or pageflow operation response. Constructs a new PageResponse.

The following features are supported:


context :tibco.objectapi.pfe.common.ResponseContext

Reference to a pageflow or business service. This property holds the value of the 'Context' containment reference.

executionState :tibco.objectapi.pfe.common.ExecutionState

Enumerated value defining the current status of the pageflow or business service. One of the following values: - NOT_STARTED: Unable to start. - STARTED: Started successfully. - IN_PROGRESS: In progress. - COMPLETED: Successfully conpleted. - UNKNOWN: Unknown status. This property holds the value of the 'Execution State' attribute.

pageData :Array.<tibco.objectapi.pfe.common.PageData>

Data for each page of the pageflow or business service. This property holds the value of the 'Page Data' containment reference list.