Displaying Outstanding Work Items

The "outstanding work items" for a process instance are all of the work items associated with that process instance that are sitting in users work item lists, waiting to be completed and submitted. They represent the user task(s) at which the process flow is currently sitting.

An active process instance may have only a single outstanding work item, or it might have many because the process flow may have taken multiple paths, depending on how it was designed.

The process instance list contains two functions that allow you to view the outstanding work items for a process instance. They are:

  • Show Outstanding Work Item(s) for ID - This function causes a temporary work view to be created under the My Work folder in the work view list. This work view will contain all of the outstanding work items for the selected process instance that are currently offered or allocated to you.
  • Show Supervised List of Outstanding Work Item(s) for ID - This function causes a temporary work view to be created under the Supervised Work folder in the work view list. This work view will contain outstanding work items for the selected process instance that are currently offered or allocated to the specified user, or that were sent to the specified organizational entity.

For details about these functions, see Outstanding Work Items.