Displaying the Calendar

When you first login to Openspace, the default system calendar is displayed.

The Calendar gadget is organized as follows:

  • The system calendar displays your current working hours. Note that:
    • The very first time you log in the system calendar is displayed. No working days or times are specified. See Specifying Working Days Times.
    • When the system calendar is initially displayed:
      • your current time zone is displayed.
      • the calendar displays the current month.
      • the current date is also selected. It is displayed in yellow.
    • When you specify working days or times, or exclusions, the calendar displays both.
    • The system calendar uses a 12-hour clock.
    • Calendars can be displayed by day, week, or month, depending on your requirements. You can view previous or future periods (day, week or month) by clicking on the left and right arrow icons in the upper-left part of the calendar gadget.
    • When you create base and overlay calendars, the latest base or overlay calendar you have created is displayed. To display an existing calendar, see Opening Calendars.
  • The date picker allows you to view the working or non-working hours of selected dates. Depending on whether you are viewing the system calendar by day, week, or month, the date picker allows you to select a specific day, week, or month.
  • The legends are:
    • Today Work Day. If today’s date is also a working day, it is displayed in green.
    • Work Day. Work days are displayed in blue.