Using TIBCO JasperReports for ActiveMatrix BPM to Visualize TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Data

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM provides three example dashboards that demonstrate different techniques that you can use with TIBCO JasperReports for ActiveMatrix BPM to visualize and manipulate ActiveMatrix BPM data.

Example Dashboards and ActiveMatrix BPM Data

The example dashboards demonstrate how you can access the following types of ActiveMatrix BPM data:

  • BPM statistical data: data about processes, work items and user activity, from the central event database tables in the ActiveMatrix BPM database.
  • case data: data about a particular case data model, or a set of case data models, from the ActiveMatrix BPM case data store.

The Process Monitor and AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc dashboards demonstrate how you can access BPM statistical data.

The Claim Breakdown dashboard provides an example of how you can access case data.

Note: The standalone version of the Claim Breakdown dashboard accesses just case data. The Openspace gadget version accesses both case data and BPM statistical data.

HTML Dashboards - the Process Monitor and Claim Breakdown Dashboards

The Process Monitor dashboard and Claim Breakdown dashboard are HTML/JS applications that:

  • use the Visualize.js JavaScript API framework to embed JasperReports Server reports in dashboard HTML pages.
  • can be used either from Openspace (deployed as Openspace gadgets), directly from a browser URL (deployed as standalone web applications) or from an HTTP server.
  • use reports, developed in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio for ActiveMatrix® BPM, that use direct SQL queries to extract data from the ActiveMatrix BPM database.
The Openspace gadget versions of the Process Monitor and Claim Breakdown dashboards also demonstrate how you can use ActiveMatrix BPM web services in conjunction with JasperReports Server reports.

JasperReports Server Dashboards - the AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc Dashboard

JasperReports Server domains and Ad Hoc reports offer an elegant and powerful reporting tool that allows users to quickly create reports using business terms and language, hiding the complexity of the underlying data relationships.

Note: See the TIBCO JasperReports for ActiveMatrix BPM documentation for more information about domains, Ad Hoc reports and dashboards, what you can do with them and how you can create or modify them.

The AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc dashboard is a JasperReports Server dashboard that:

  • demonstrates the use of JasperReports Server domains and Ad Hoc reports, in this case to access BPM statistical data.
  • can be used from JasperReports Server (either directly, or embedded in a web page).
  • uses Ad Hoc Views/Reports, that use the AMX-BPM Statistics Domain to extract data from the ActiveMatrix BPM database.

JasperReports Server Domains

The AMX-BPM Statistics Domain provides a business view of the data available in the following central event database tables in the ActiveMatrix BPM database.

Note: See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Event Collector Schema Reference for more detailed information about these tables.

Table Stores...
ec_pe_activity information about activities that have been registered by Event Collector.
ec_pe_status information about the current status of process instances.
ec_proc_template information about process templates.
ec_user_activity information about user activity.
ec_wi_status information about the current status of work items.

A JasperReports Server Claims domain is also provided as an example of how you can create a domain from an ActiveMatrix BPM case data model. No dashboard is provided for this domain.

Dashboard Artifacts

For each of the example dashboards, ActiveMatrix BPM provides:

  • runtime artifacts, for the BPM runtime and JasperReports Server, which you can quickly deploy so that you can see the dashboards in action.
  • design time artifacts, for TIBCO Business Studio, Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server, so that you can examine the dashboards and reports to see how they work, or use them as the basis for your own dashboard development.

An example BPM Claims application provides a business object model, organization model and processes that you can use to generate sample data for use with the example dashboards and reports.

See Example Files Reference for a complete list of the provided artifacts.