Example Files Reference

All the example files used to build and run the example dashboards are supplied as part of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM installation.

In the following table:
  • All paths are relative to the root location of the installed example files, which is:


    • TIBCO_HOME is the full pathname of the directory where the ActiveMatrix BPM software is installed.
    • n.n is the version number of the ActiveMatrix BPM software - for example, 3.1.
  • dbType is the identifier for the type of database that this file is for, either mssql (SQL Server), oracle (oracle), db2 (DB2) or postgres (PostgreSQL).
Path File Description
\Installation Artifacts\DAAs\Claims
  • com.example.companyorganizationmodel.daa
  • com.example.claimmodel.daa
  • com.example.claimodelprocess.daa
DAAs of the organization model, business object model and process projects used by the example Claims application. See Deploying and Setting up the Example BPM Claim Application.
\Installation Artifacts OpenspaceLDAPImport.txt XML data file that can be imported to the Organization Browser to create an EasyAs LDAP Container and set up the resource mappings needed by the example dashboards. See Mapping Users from the EasyAs LDAP Source to the Claims Organization Model.
\Installation Artifacts\Jaspersoft Import jaspersoft-import-dbType.zip JasperReports Server resources needed by the example dashboards. See Importing Jaspersoft Resources Used by the Example Dashboards to JasperReports Server.
\AMXBPM Statistics\Domain schema_dbType.xml JasperReports Server domain design file for the AMX-BPM Statistics domain.

See the TIBCO JasperReports Server for ActiveMatrix BPM documentation for more information about domain design files.

\AMXBPM Statistics\Reports statsreportarchive_dbType.zip Jaspersoft Studio project containing the reports used by the Process Monitor dashboard. See Viewing and Modifying Reports Used by Process Monitor and Claim Breakdown Dashboards.
\Claims Model Demo\Domain schema_dbType.xml JasperReports Server domain design file for the Claim domain.

See the TIBCO JasperReports Server for ActiveMatrix BPM documentation for more information about domain design files.

\Claims Model Demo\Reports claimreportsarchive_dbType.zip Jaspersoft Studio project containing the reports used by the Claim Breakdown dashboard. See Viewing and Modifying Reports Used by Process Monitor and Claim Breakdown Dashboards.
\Claims Model Demo\Studio Projects claimmodelstudio.zip TIBCO Business Studio project used to generate the Claim demonstration.
\Misc\LDAP Configuration applicationContext-externalAuth-LDAP.xml The XML used to configure the LDAP connection with the EasyAs LDAP container provided with Active Matrix BPM.
\Misc\Openspace Gadget Project JasperShowCase.zip TIBCO Business Studio project used to create the Process Monitor and Claim Breakdown dashboards.