Retrieving Work Items from a Work List View

You can retrieve the work items in a specific work list view.

Use the getWorkListItemsForView function to retrieve the work items. You must specify:

  • viewId - for the work list view.
  • startPosition - the position in the work list from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
  • numberOfItems - the number of items from the work list view to be displayed.
  • totalReq - whether to include a count of the total number of work items in the work list view list. This defaults to true. The count is returned in the totalItems value in the response.

    You should set totalReq to false unless you specifically need the total figure, because setting it to true is expensive in terms of database access time.

    Note that if you pass false in this parameter, and there is at least one item in the list, the totalItems value returned in the response is -1. However, if you pass false and there are no work items in the list, the totalItems value in the response is 0 (zero).