
The WorkListService contains functions to get work item lists for organization model entities, and to get or to set sort/filter criteria for work item lists.

The table below lists the functions available from the WorkListService.

For more information about work lists, see Work Lists and Work List Views.

Function Description Returns
addCurrentResourceToView Adds the current resource to a work view.

The work view must be specified as public, either when it is created (using the createWorkListView function -- see below) or by editing it (using the editWorkListView function -- see below).

Required system action: viewWorkList

createWorkListView Creates a new work view.

The request must specify a name for the work view. It can optionally specify the details of the new work list view. For example, a description, any sort/filter criteria to be applied to this work view, the organizational entity whose work items you want to view or the resources that can access the work view.

The response contains the unique ID (workListViewID) of the new work view.

Note: The owner of a view needs the viewWorkList system action for the target. Also, any GROUP, POSITION or ORG-UNIT that is added to the "Users" set also needs the viewWorkList system action.

Required system action: viewWorkList

deleteCurrentResourceFromView Removes a public work view from the work view list for the calling resource.

Required system action: viewWorkList

deleteWorkListView Deletes an existing work list view. The calling resource must be the Owner or an Author of the work view to be able to delete it.

The work view must be locked using the getWorkListViewDetails function (see below) before it can be deleted.

Required system action: viewWorkList

editWorkListView Edits an existing work view.

A work view must be locked using the getWorkListViewDetails function (using the lockView parameter) before you can edit the view with this function.

The request must specify the name and the unique ID of the work view to be edited. It can also optionally specify the details of the work view that you want to edit. For example, its description, any sort/filter criteria or the organizational model entities that can access the work view. If any of the optional elements are specified, they overwrite the existing attributes specified for this view.

Note: You only need to pass the data you want to change. Parameters that are not passed are unchanged.
Note: The owner of a view needs the viewWorkList system action for the target. Also, any GROUP, POSITION or ORG-UNIT that is added to the "Users" set also needs the viewWorkList system action.

Required system action: viewWorkList

getAllocatedWorkListItems Gets an allocated work list for an organization model entity.

Required system action: viewWorkList

getEditableWorkListViews Retrieves a list of work views that the calling resource can edit.

Required system action: viewWorkList

getPublicWorkListViews Retrieves a list of all public work views.

Work views are specified as public, either when they are created (using the createWorkListView function -- see above) or edited (using the editWorkListView function -- see above).

Note: Sets of authors and users are not returned.

Required system action: viewWorkList

getResourceOrderFilterCriteria Gets previously defined sort/filter criteria for work item lists for a resource.

Required system action: setResourceOrderFilterCriteria

getViewsForResource Retrieves a list of work views to which the calling resource has access. In other words, a list of work views to which the calling resource is either an Owner or an Author.
Note: Sets of authors and users are not returned.

Required system action: viewWorkList

getWorkItemOrderFilter Gets the specified fields defined by BRM that can be used to define sort/filter criteria for a work item list.

Required system action: None

getWorkItemOrderFilterNoLimit Gets all fields that can be used to define sort/filter criteria for a work item list.

Required system action: None

getWorkListItems Gets a work list for an organization model entity.

Also see the getWorkListItemsAllResources function (below).

Required system action: viewWorkList

getWorkListItemsAllResources Gets a list of work items for all resources.

This is similar to the getWorkListItems function above, except it returns all work items, not just those for a specific entity.

Required system action: viewGlobalWorkList

getWorkListItemsForGlobalData Gets a list of work items associated with a global data reference.

Required system action: viewGlobalWorkList

getWorkListItemsForView Retrieves the work item list for a specific work view.

This must be executed as a resource who has access to the work view. See Work List View Access.

Required system action: viewWorkList

This requires the viewGlobalWorkList system action if you are retrieving work items for all resources.

getWorkListViewDetails Retrieves the details of a specific work view. For example, its description, creation date, whether or not it is public and its owner. It can also be used to optionally lock a work view for editing.

If you want to edit a work view using the editWorkListView function (see above), you must lock it first using this function.

Required system action: viewWorkList

previewWorkItemFromList Previews one or more work items (to get the associated input and output data without opening the work items).

Required system action: None

setResourceOrderFilterCriteria Sets sort/filter criteria for work item lists for a resource.

Required system action: setResourceOrderFilterCriteria

unlockWorkListView Unlocks a locked work list view.

Use this to unlock a view that has been locked using the getWorkListViewDetails function (see above).

Required system action: viewWorkList
