View Options for the Tree View

You can configure the Resource Editor so that when it is displayed in the tree view, the groups of information (Groups, Organizations/Positions, Resource Attributes, etc.) are displayed in the desired order, and whether or not each group of information is initially opened (expanded).

To set the tree view options, select View Options from the View menu. The following dialog is displayed:

You can change the order in which information is displayed in the tree view by clicking the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrows to the left of each setting type.

You can also specify whether or not each setting type is initially opened when the Resource Editor is displayed in tree view. Checking the box for a setting type causes that setting type to be initially opened.

Also note that if you are mapping resources using the drag-and-drop method (Mapping Resources From the Resource List), the Resource Editor is always opened in the tree view, with the appropriate folder expanded so that the membership assignment is visible, even if you have specified to not open that folder initially on the Resource Editor View Options dialog.