Mapping Resources From the Resource List

You can map resources to groups and/or positions from the resource list in a number of different ways.

For example:

  • Using the Edit Resource(s) function. This function takes you to the Resource Editor, which can be used to add or remove resources from groups and positions, as well as perform other functions, such as editing capabilities, editing push destinations, etc. For information about the Resource Editor, see Accessing the Resource Editor.
  • Using the drag and drop method. For information, see Using the Drag and Drop Method.
  • Using the Add / Remove Membership for Resource(s) functions (only applicable when viewing a list of resources for a group or position; it is not applicable when viewing a list of resources in an LDAP container). For information, see Using the Add Remove Membership for Resource(s) Functions.
    Note: Note that if you are using the Safari browser, and the connection to the LDAP is slow, attempting to map a large number of resources at one time may result in the browser timing out. This is because Safari will timeout if it does not receive a response within 10 seconds. To work around this issue, use one of the other supported browsers.