Modifying the Process Instance Summary

You can modify the Process Instance Summary that is displayed in the preview pane.

This is done by changing the following file:


The specific location of this file depends on whether you are modifying a deployed or an undeployed application. For information, see Introduction).

The InstanceSummary.xml file contains a series of <span> element pairs, each pair representing an item of information in the Process Instance Summary:

<div style="position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto;display:            block;background-color:#ececee;">
    <span style="position:absolute;left:8px;top:7px;">#IMAGE#</span>
    <span style="position:absolute;width:692px;height:18px;left:40px;top:12px;         font-size:14px;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;">#TITLE#</span>
     <span style="position:absolute;width:196px;height:16px;left:8px;top:35px;         font-size:11px;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;text-align:         right;">#LID#</span>
     <span style="position:absolute;width:140px;height:16px;left:208px;top:35px;         font-size:11px;font-family:Arial;font-weight:normal;">#ID#</span>
     <span style="position:absolute;width:208px;height:16px;left:348px;top:35px;         font-size:11px;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;text-align:         right;">#LSTATUS#</span>
     <span style="position:absolute;width:152px;height:16px;left:560px;top:35px;         font-size:11px;font-family:Arial;font-weight:normal;">#STATUS#</span>

Each pair of <span> elements contains tokens that represent a label and a process instance property (note that the tokens in the first two <span> elements, IMAGE and TITLE, provide the header information in the summary).

The label tokens (those that begin with an "L", for example, LSTATUS) are substituted at runtime with text from the appropriate localization file, depending on the language chosen. The table below provides the name of the variable in the localization file (locale.xml for English) for each label. For information about the names and location of the localization files, see Localization.

The process instance property tokens in the <span> elements (for example, STATUS) are substituted at runtime with the appropriate property values for the selected process instance.

You can remove or comment out the desired <span> elements to remove information from the summary, change the look and feel by modifying the values in the style attributes, or add any valid HTML (the InstanceSummary.xml file is simply an HTML file, even though its extension is xml).

Note, however, that you must not remove nor comment out the <div> elements in the InstanceSummary.xml file. To remove all information from the summary, remove all <span> elements, but retain the top-level <div> elements.

The table below lists the labels shown in the Process Instance Summary, the variable from the localization file used to display the label text in the summary, and the substitution tokens representing the information:

Label in Summary Text Variable in Localization File Substitution Variable
ID txtInstanceID LID/ID
Status txtInstanceStatus LSTATUS/STATUS
Process Name txtInstanceName LINSTANCENAME/
Version txtInstanceVersion LVERSION/
Start Date txtInstanceStartDate LSTART/START
Completion Date txtInstanceCompletionDate LEND/END
Priority txtInstancePriority LPRIORITY/
Module Name txtModuleName LMODNAME/
Parent Process ID txtInstanceParentProcessID LPARENTID/
Outstanding Count txtInstanceWaitingWorkCount LOUTCOUNT/