Login Session Sample Application

The Login Session sample application provides methods of establishing and persisting a login session.

This sample application is intended to be used in conjunction with the Sample Applications so that users do not need to provide a username and password every time the openworkitem application is invoked. For information about the openworkitem application, see Sample Applications.

Note that the openworkitem application already provides a means of using a current login session by passing “externalLogin” in the URL (see External Login). The Login Session sample application provides additional methods of establishing and using a login session.

Note: Although the Login Session sample application is designed to work with the openworkitem application, it can be modified to work with any WCC application, including the Workspace application.

The Login Session sample application is provided with Workspace in the following directory:



  • StudioHome is the directory in which TIBCO Business Studio was installed.
  • version is the version number of Workspace that was installed with TIBCO Business Studio.

The following files are included in the Login Session sample application:

  • amxbpm_item.js - Contains code for determining the login state and to perform login and logout.
  • amxbpm_item.html - A sample page that can be called instead of the openworkitem application.
  • amxbpm_login.html - A simple login page that can maintain a login session.
  • amxbpm_item.create.war.cmd - A command file that can be used to package the sample into a WAR file for deployment.
  • WEB-INF\web.xml - A deployment descriptor file for inclusion in the WAR file.

The HTML files included in the Login Session sample application can be modified for your own use, or amxbpm_item.js can be incorporated for use in your own web page.

However, whether you are using the samples files as distributed, working with a modified version, or incorporating similar techniques in your own page, you must replace the base URL in the HTML files with one for your own ActiveMatrix BPM server.

Also, depending on the type and version of browser you use, you may need to host the pages on the ActiveMatrix BPM server to avoid issues with cross-domain scripting. For more information, see Cross-Domain Scripting.