External Login

If there is already a login session, you can use the “externalLogin” feature in conjunction with the openworkitem application.

The following are examples of using this feature to open a work item or start a business service:

  • Opening a Work Item
    • http://MyServer:8080/workspace/openworkitem.html?externalLogin=true?Id=51
  • Starting a Business Service
    • http://MyServer:8080/workspace/openworkitem.html?externalLogin=true?ProcessName=CSCallbackStart&ModuleName=%2FCSCallback%2FProcess%20Packages%2FCSCallback.xpdl&Version=

For more information about external login, see the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

Note: The Login Session sample application also illustrates other methods of establishing and maintaining a login session when using the openworkitem application. For more information, see Login Session Sample Application .