Login Component

The Login component provides an interface for logging into the application.

This component displays the Login dialog, which accepts the user’s credentials and submits them to the Action Processor / node for authentication.

The Login dialog contains the following fields:

  • User Name - A user ID (name) for each user is established when they are created using the Organization Browser. For information, see the TIBCO Organization Browser User’s Guide.
  • Password - User passwords are specified in the LDAP source from which the user was created by the Organization Browser.

For more information about logging in, see the "Accessing Workspace" topic in the TIBCO Workspace User’s Guide.

For information about logging in programmatically using a Tools Interface method, see login.

For information about utilizing a login from a previous login session to login to a WCC application running in an Iframe, see Using WCC Components in Mash-Ups.

Subscribe To:

To display the Login component, subscribe to:

  • None

    The Login component does not require that any data be passed to it to be displayed, that is, it does not need to subscribe to an event of another component.

Login Component Properties

The Login component contains the following property:

Property Description
Remember Enables / disables the Remember User Name check box, which allows users to persist their user name (User Id field).

Login Component Events

The Login component publishes the following event:

Event Description
LoginComplete Indicates a successful login.

Event fires when user authentication is complete.