The Modeling Environment for Forms

The context for creating and deploying forms is the BPM Modeling perspective of TIBCO Business Studio.

An understanding of the terms and concepts explained in the TIBCO Business Studio guides and tutorials on Process Modeling and the Business Object Modeler are useful for performing the procedures used to create and deploy forms. In addition, familiarity with the basics of the Eclipse environment makes it easier to work with TIBCO Business Studio and Forms. You can refer to The Workbench to get a general idea about the Eclipse workbench. You can also see the Concepts chapter in the Workbench User Guide for information about projects, folders, perspectives, views, menus, and toolbars as they are applied in Eclipse. That guide, as well as all guides related to TIBCO Business Studio and your Eclipse environment, can be accessed by clicking Help Contents on the Help menu.

Tip: The Eclipse Workbench User Guide describes the ways you can customize your Eclipse environment to suit your personal preferences.