Cleaning Up Undeployed Applications

If you try to undeploy, or forced undeploy, an application using either the Administrator UI or the CLI, and the undeploy process does not remove all the components from the node runtime, cleanup utilities are available from TIBCO Support.

Warning: The cleanup utilities remove all versions of an application. In other words, you cannot use the cleanup utilities to remove a later version of an application, leaving an earlier version present. This is not supported.
  • You should only use the cleanup utilities with advice from TIBCO Support.
  • You must obtain the latest version of nodeutil from TIBCO Support.

This section describes using both:

  • the BPM database cleanup utility bpm-db-cleanup, and
  • the ActiveMatrix node cleanup utility nodeutil

to remove any components that the undeploy has failed to remove. A typical sequence for using these utilities might be:


  1. Undeploy or Force Undeploy an application using Administrator UI or CLI. This step should remove application components from a Node's runtime.
  2. Delete an application using Administrator UI or CLI. This step removes information about the application and its components from the Administrator's database.
  3. If either of the above steps fail, grant yourself, or the username that will be used, the permissions to perform a forced delete.

    The Force Delete option is only visible, and Force Delete enabled, if you have the necessary permissions. By default no user has the necessary permissions to use Force Delete. See the section "Permissions" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administration for information on setting these permissions in Administrator.

  4. Use Force Delete using the Administrator UI or CLI to remove information about the application and its components from the Administrator's database
  5. Use the BPM database cleanup utility bpm-db-cleanup to remove rows from the various database tables that were created when the process was originally deployed. See "The bpm-db-cleanup Utility" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Troubleshooting for these utilities..
    Warning: TIBCO recommends that you disable the Force Delete option once you have finished this procedure, by removing in Administrator the permissions granted in step 3 .
  6. Use the ActiveMatrix node cleanup utility nodeutil to remove from the Node's runtime any components of the application that were not cleared by the previous steps.