Obtaining BPM Web Service API

You can obtain the BPM public web service API in two ways:

  • You can download either the SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 WSDL files and supporting XSD files that constitute the BPM public web service API. (The data types used in the WSDL files are defined in external, shared XSDs. These XSDs are also included in this zip file.)
    Note: The zip file containing the WSDL and XSD files cannot be downloaded using the links above from the PDF document. These links must be used from the HTML document -- see TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM documentation.
  • You can generate WSDL files for individual BPM services directly from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator.

Which Method Should I Use?

If you are writing a large application that needs to access multiple BPM services, using the BPM public web service API may be preferable. When generating code-bindings, using external, shared XSDs can often produce easier to use code than duplicating the types at the top of each WSDL file.

If you are developing lightweight applications that access only a limited number of services, generated WSDLs may be suitable. For example, if you only wanted to access the EntityResolverService, using a generated WSDL would avoid the overhead of parsing the entire de.wsdl file, which provides access to all BPM Directory Services.

Note: There is a known issue with Administrator-generated WSDLs, where they sometimes include the incorrect namespace. This can cause errors when trying to call the BPM service over a virtualization binding. The best practice is to use the BPM public web service API WSDLs, augmented with any schema changes from hotfixes.