Directory Services

Directory services are provided by the Work Manager logical node (by the Directory Engine (DE) component).


The Directory services API provides the following public services.

Service Description
EntityResolverService Get information about resources and their association with specific organization model entities.
SecurityService Manage user authentication and authorization.

Note: See System Actions for more information about how to specify system actions when using these operations.

UserSettingsService Manage user settings.
ExporterService Export and import defined LDAP containers, resources and push destinations
ResourceQueryService Execute a Resource Query Language (RQL) query to find a set of resources that match specific criteria.
DirectoryService Manage LDAP containers and get information about LDAP sources.
OrgModelService Get information about organization models, as well as get or set information about calendars that are tied to a particular organization model.
OrgResourceService Perform functions on resources, such as creating, deleting, finding, and so on.

API Files

The following table shows the API files that provide Directory services.

File Description
de_wsdl_AdminService Directory services - DirectoryService schema
de.wsdl Directory services API for ExporterService, EntityResolverService, ResourceQueryService, SecurityService and UserSettingsService services.
deservices.wsdl Directory services API for DirectoryService, OrgModelService and OrgResourceService services.
de-exporter-service.xsd Directory services - ExporterService schema
de-resolver-service.xsd Directory services - EntityResolverService schema
de-resourcequery-service.xsd Directory services - ResourceQueryService schema
de-security-service.xsd Directory services - SecurityService schema
de-usersettings-service.xsd Directory services - UserSettingsService schema
dir_directoryservice.xsd Directory services - DirectoryService schema
de-orgmodel-service.xsd Directory services - OrgModelService schema
de-resource-service.xsd Directory services - OrgResourceService schema
de.xsd Directory services schema (all services)
de-base.xsd Accompanies deservices.wsdl . Provides XML types that are common to the DirectoryService, OrgModelService and OrgResourceService services.
de-ldap.xsd Directory services - LDAP schema
organisation.xsd Directory services - organization schema
channeltype.xsd Work Presentation services - channel type schema
deexception.xsd Directory services - exception schema
comexception.xsd Common exception schema
Note: Hyperlinks are provided to the WSDL and XSD documentation for a particular service API or schema. Any xsd files that do not have hyperlinks are included (directly or indirectly) in hyperlinked xsd files. For example, the XSD documentation for de-attribute-service.xsd also includes the documentation for de.xsd.