Manage Client Applications

Application Development is used to browse, customize, save, preview and publish applications. Applications are hosted on the platform, so when users publish them, they are available to other users.

Note: A number of third-party common libraries are available for use under app_cdn.
You can do the following:
  • Edit the files in an application in a file editor, change, save, test and publish the application. Application Development displays when it was modified. The application can be re-edited and published again. See Editing Applications.
  • The following properties can be passed to an application from the file:
    Caution: For the properties marked as mandatory, you can modify their value, but do not unset the property, otherwise the application may not function properly.
    • appImage (mandatory for applications targeted for the mobile devices. Not applicable to the desktop applications.) - The path to the image depicting the application.
    • category (optional) - A category used to group your applications.
    • configPage (mandatory) - The path to the configuration file for the application.
    • defaultLocale (optional) - The locale in which the application is displayed.
    • description (mandatory property for applications targeted for mobile devices.) Short description for the application.
    • errorPage (optional) - The path to the error page for the application.
    • indexPage (mandatory) - The path to the index.html file for the application or the landing page for the application.
    • library (optional: default=false) - Boolean flag that describes if the application is a library that can be used by other applications.
    • loginPage (mandatory) - Application is directed to this page when the user logs in. Note that the out-of-the-box example application in Application Development use the login component provided by the framework -- /apps/logincomponent/login.html. Therefore, you have the option of using that same login component, or redirect to a custom login page using this property.
    • mobile (optional: default=false) - Boolean flag that describes if the application is for mobile devices.
    • support (optional) - Languages supported by mobile applications.
    Caution: Removing any of the mandatory properties may prevent the application from operating correctly.
  • Select the App Config tab to view and edit the configuration file for the application.
  • Upload/Import applications (UPLOAD APPLICATION)
  • Clone applications (CLONE). You can specify a name for the cloned application. See Cloning Applications.

    Note: You need to update the app.desc.json file.
  • View the status of applications - for example, tested and published.
    Note: Status is currently only displayed as PUBLISHED.
  • Export/download applications (EXPORT).
    Note: You can work offline and redeploy them.
  • Preview the changes to applications (Launch - either Latest or Published). See Launching and Testing Applications.
  • Use versioning to access previously-published versions of an application. See Application Versioning.
  • Multiple users can access applications, but concurrent editing and merging changes on an application by multiple users are not allowed.
    Note: More than one user can edit the same file, but if this happens when you SAVE, you see an alert that the version you are trying to save is not the latest and you have the options to overwrite or cancel.
  • Control permissions using the Permission tab - which defines which applications are editable, and which are read-only. This is the context in which you can access the application. See Controlling Permissions.
  • Publish applications to make them available to other users (PUBLISH). See Publishing Applications.