Editing an Existing Event List

You can edit the definition of an existing event view, in other words, the name, description, filter template (if applicable), filter criteria, or sort criteria.

Select the required event view in the event view list, then click (or select Edit from the View menu).

The dialog that is displayed at this point depends on how the event view was defined when it was created:

  • If a custom filter had been specified when the view was created (as opposed to selecting one of the filter templates), the next dialog displayed contains only the view Name and Description fields. You can modify the name and/or description, then click Finish to complete the edit, or click Next to display the Filter dialog — proceed to step 3.
  • If a filter template was selected when the view was created, a dialog similar to the following is displayed:

    The filter template that was selected when the view was created is highlighted when this dialog is displayed.

    This dialog allows you to choose a different filter template to apply to the view. Notice that Create a custom view by specifying a filter is disabled; once an event view is created using a filter template, you can only select a different filter template — you cannot specify a custom filter (although, you can add additional filter criteria using the Filter dialog; see step 3). Select a different filter template, if required.


  1. After making the required modifications to the view definition, you can do one of the following:
    • Click Finish if you have no require to specify or edit the filter and/or sort criteria for this event view. The Edit Event View dialog is closed and the edited view appears in the event view list.
    • Click Next to display the Filter dialog.
  2. From the Filter dialog, you can do one of the following:
    • Enter filter criteria for the view, then click Next to display the Sort dialog to specify how to sort the events in the view.
    • Enter filter criteria for the view, then click Finish if you do not want to specify how to sort the events in the view.
    • Click Next to display the Sort dialog if you do not want to specify filter criteria.

      Note that any filter criteria you specify through the wizard is considered the “base” filter for the event view (as opposed to a “refined” filter that is set through the Filter function on the event list). For more information, see Base Filters and Refined Filters.

      Filtering event lists is basically the same as filtering other types of lists in Openspace (with the exception of the specific fields on which you can filter). For details, see Filtering Event Lists Overview.

  3. If you have displayed the Sort dialog, specify how to sort the events in the view, then click Finish.

    Because sorting event lists is basically the same as sorting other types of lists in Openspace (with the exception of the specific fields on which you can sort), details of sorting is explained in a single chapter — see Sorting Lists in Event Views.