Pre-Login Configuration Parameters

There are configuration parameters that pertain to configuration that is used before the user has logged in.

Those parameters are:

  • Action Processor - Specifies the URL that points to the Action Processor to which the application will connect at runtime.
  • Pre-Login User Access - Specifies the set of actions that the user has access to before logging in.
  • Login - Specifies whether or not to display the Remember User Name next time I login check box on the Login dialog.
  • LoginLink - Provides the ability to include a hyperlink on the Login dialog.
  • authenticationMode - Specifies the method used to authenticate users.

If you are configuring an application that has not yet been deployed to a runtime machine, these parameters can be specified as needed in the config.xml file in your development environment; they will take effect when the application is deployed.

However, if you are configuring an application that has already been deployed to a runtime machine, these parameters must be configured in the config.xml file on the file system of the runtime machine. You cannot use the Configuration Administrator to modify the pre-login parameters because the Configuration Administrator is used to modify the parameters that are stored in the database. These pre-login parameters are not stored in the database—they are always read from the file system because the application does not access the database before the user logs in.

Note: The pre-login parameters are still visible in the XML Editor portion of the Configuration Administrator, but modifying them using that editor will have no effect. They do not appear in the Configuration Administrator Graphical Editor.

As described in Directly Modifying Files on the BPM Runtime Machine, you can directly modify the config.xml file on the runtime machine if you are using the Workspace application. However, if you are using a custom WCC application, you cannot directly modify the config.xml file on the runtime machine because you cannot determine its location (its location, which is determined when the application is deployed, contains GUIDs).

Therefore, to make a change to any of the four pre-login configuration parameters for a deployed custom WCC application, you must make the change to the config.xml file in your development environment file system. You will then need to create a new .war file for your custom application, and redeploy the application using ActiveMatrix Administrator. For information about the process of creating the .war file and deploying an application, see Deploying an Application After Customizing.