Searching for Work Items

If you have a large number of work items in your work item list, you can use the search feature to search for a specific work item. For example, you could select a column indicator of State and enter OPENED to search for all work items in your list with a status of OPENED.


  1. In the Search box, click the down arrow.
  2. Select a column indicator to search on from the drop-down list.
    You can search on Category, Name, Description, State or Priority. See Work Items for more information.
  3. In the Search box, type the search criteria you want to search for.
    You can use wild card characters, see Using Wild Card Characters for more information. You can use multiple wild card characters.
  4. Click The search icon is a magnifying glass.
    A temporary view is created. For example, searching for id=123 would create a temporary view called id=123 to allow the search results to be viewed. Temporary views are automatically deleted once you log out of TIBCO Openspace. If you do not want to lose the temporary work view, create it using the Create new view wizard. See Creating Work Views.