Creating Work Views

The Create new view wizard enables you to create work views.

The wizard enables you to:

  • (Required) Enter the details for your work view, for example, the work view name and, optionally, its description.
  • (Optional) Select the organizational entity whose work items you want to view.
  • (Optional) Configure any filter criteria, depending on your requirements.
  • (Optional) Configure any sort criteria, depending on you requirements.
  • (Optional) Select the work item columns you want to display. See Work Item Columns for more information.
  • (Optional) Configure the Recipients of the work view.
  • (Optional) Configure the Authors of the work view.

Note that:

  • At any time while using the wizard, you can click on an item in the list on the right of the pane to go back and review/edit any of the information you have entered. Alternatively, you can use Previous and Next to scroll through the wizard. Some pages of the wizard have validation rules that must be satisfied before a different page can be selected. If a validation rule fails, a message displays showing the cause of the failure.
  • Once you have clicked Finish, the work view is created. If you want to amend any of this information at that point you must select The edit icon is a dialog with a pencil across it to edit the work view.
  • To exit the work view without saving any changes, click The icon is a black cross in a white box
  • Once you have entered the work view details, you can click Finish at any time to complete the wizard, for example, if you wish to specify sort/filter criteria but you want to display the default work item columns.


  • Click the Create new view icon (The icon is a dialog with a white cross in a green circle on top of it.)

    The Create new view wizard displays.