
Retrieves the associated input and output data and opens the work item form.

Note: There is an openWorkItem operation in three services:
  • WorkPresentationService (the one described here) - Use this one if the user task was designed to either open a form or start a pageflow, which is typical for most client applications. The response from the openWorkItem operation in this service contains the pageflow details, which you use with the startPageFlow request in the PageFlowService to start the pageflow.
  • ClientService - Use the openWorkItem operation in this service as an alternative to the one in the WorkPresentationService when opening a work item that starts a pageflow. When using this service, you do not need to explicitly start the pageflow. This service handles retrieving the appropriate form for the page activity, and ensures that the work item is completed when the pageflow is completed. Note that this service is available in REST only.
  • WorkItemManagementService - Use this one if the user task was designed to not open a form nor start a pageflow. This would typically be used only in special use-case client applications—see openWorkItem .
  • The request must specify the resource ID and the work item ID that is to be opened.
  • The response returns the complete details of the work item that is opened, as well as the pageflow details if the user task was designed to start a pageflow.

For additional information, see Introduction to Work Items.

Required System Action
API Descriptions