Creating a Project Package and Process

You can create a new TIBCO Business Studio project, package and process are part of the same procedure using a template.

  • If you have processes that you created using previous versions of TIBCO Business Studio, you must migrate them to the current version as described in Migration of Projects Created in Previous Versions
  • This topic describes how to create a project, and at the same time create a package and process using a template. You can however, perform each operation separately.


  1. Select File > New > Analysis Project.
  2. Complete the New Analysis Project dialog as follows:
    Field Description
    Project name Enter a descriptive name for the project.
    Location Either accept the default location for the project (your workspace) or de-select the Use default location checkbox and click Browse to select a different location.
    Version Either accept the default version (1.0.0.qualifier) or enter a version for the project in the standard Eclipse format:

    The specified version will be the default for project artifacts such as process packages and organization models, and can be used to track revisions to the project. The version can be changed later as described in Changing Project Lifecycle Settings .

    Status Package life cycle status for informational purposes. How or whether you use life cycle statuses is up to you, but they are typically used as follows:
    • Under revision - for packages in development
    • Under test - for packages in User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
    • Released - for packages in production
    Destination Environments Select the Destination Environment (optional). This specifies the intended runtime environment for project artifacts.

    For example, for processes, TIBCO Business Studio performs validation according to the selected destination environments. Other artifacts (for example, organization models) are not affected by project destination settings.

    For processes:

    • All processes are validated for BPMN - additionally, other destinations can be selected to validate processes for use in specific environments
    • If you select BPM, the Process will be validated against BPM.
    • If you select Simulation, processes created under this project will be validated for simulation in TIBCO Business Studio as well as for BPMN correctness.
    • If you do not select a destination environment, basic BPMN validation will be performed.
    • To set a default destination which will then be ticked already in this dialog, select Window > Preferences > User Profile, and select the required destination from the dropdown next to the Project Destination field.
    • The exact destination environments that are displayed depend on the edition of TIBCO Business Studio and any addins that you have installed.

      The specific destination components that make up a destination environment can be viewed by selecting Window > Preferences, and selecting Destination Environments.

    • To avoid error messages and warnings associated with modeling constructs that cannot be executed in the runtime environment, set the appropriate destination environment on the process.
    • You can change or select the destination environment after the Process has been completed on the Destinations tab of the Process Properties .

    Click Finish on this dialog (or on any of the subsequent dialogs) to create a project with the settings you have made to that point. Click Next to modify the default project settings and create a process using a template.

  3. The Asset Type Selection dialog displays the types of assets that you can include in your project. For a full description of the different types of assets, see Assets. Select the types of assets you want to include in your project and click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.
  4. In the Business Assets dialog, enter the name of the folder that you want to designate for business assets files. Click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.
  5. In the Select quality process project dialog, select the name of the quality process project that you want to use. If you have not already created a Quality Process project in your workspace, you will receive a message telling you that there are no Quality Process projects in the current workspace, but you can add them later using the New Quality Process wizard. Click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.
  6. In the Organization Model dialog, enter the name of the folder that you want to designate for the organization model.

    Select the checkbox under Model Details if you want to create an initial organization model.

    Give the Organization Model you want to create a filename, or use the default one provided. The filename will automatically have a prefix of the domain name, as set in Window > Preferences > User Profile, and will end with .om.

    Select the Default Schema Types checkbox unless you want to define different schema types.

    You can also select to apply the default organization type to the Organization model you are creating.

    Click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.

  7. In the Business Object Model dialog, enter the name of the folder that you want to designate for the Business Object Model.

    Select the checkbox under Model Details if you want to create an initial Business Object Model.

    Give the Business Object Model you want to create a filename or use the default one provided. The filename will automatically have a prefix of the domain name, as set in Window > Preferences > User Profile, and will end with .bom.

    Select a Type for the Business Object Model. 3 types are provided for you to select from: the Business Object Model (no profile), Concept Model or Persistent Business Object Model.

    Click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.

  8. In the Emulations dialog, enter the name of the folder that you want to designate for Emulations.

    Click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.

  9. In the Business Processes dialog, enter the name of the folder that you want to designate for Business Processes.

    Under Package Details, you can accept the pre-selected checkbox and either enter a filename or accept the default filename.

    By default when you create a project, TIBCO Business Studio creates a package and process as well. The default packages Folder is called Process Packages and the default packages file is ProcessPackage.xpdl. Either accept the default names or rename the packages file and folder. Click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.

  10. The Package Information dialog is displayed. Either accept the default properties of the package, or modify them as necessary and click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.
    • Package Label
       Descriptive label for the package. Defaults to the same name as the filename of the package and is used for purposes such as simulation reports.
    • Author
       Username of the user who created the package.
      Note: The name of the author can be defined in the User Name: field on Window > Preferences > User Profile. If no user is defined there, it uses the default user system property.
    • Created
        Displays the date/time that the package was created.
    • Description
       Text description of the package.
    • Documentation Location
       URL or filename of any supporting documentation.
    • Status
       Package life cycle status for informational purposes. How or whether you use life cycle statuses is up to you, but they are typically used as follows:

      Under revision - for packages in development

      Under test - for packages in User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

      Released - for packages in production

    • Business Version
       Version information about the package (this is inherited from the setting in the New Analysis Project dialog in step 2).
      Note: The version you specify in this field is unrelated to any source control system and their use is entirely user-defined.
    • Cost Unit
       Three-letter currency code that provides context for the costs reported in Simulation. For example, there is a Cost Per Unit for Participants in Simulation, that displays an integer with no currency. For example, use this informational field to specify to anyone using the process that a Cost Per Unit of 50 is intended to be read 50 USD. GBP is the default.
      Tip: Both Cost Unit and Language provide content assist. Press Ctrl+Space to see a list of allowed values for these fields.
    • Language
       Provides context for user-visible language in processes. For example, annotations in a process may be in a language or character set unfamiliar to the user of the process. Use this field to specify the language used. Note that this field is informational; it does not change any system or TIBCO Business Studio-specific language settings.
  11. The Select Template dialog allows you to create a process using a template. Select a template from those available and click Finish if you are done, or Next to specify more options.
  12. The Set Special Folders dialog displays the default special folders for each asset type that you selected in the previous step. Either accept the default names or enter your own names and click Finish.

    The newly-created package, process, and project are displayed in the Project Explorer. For more information about the Project Explorer, see Project Explorer View.