Overview of the Client Application Framework

The Client Application Framework is used to create and manage lightweight BPM applications using industry-standard technologies, such as Bootstrap CSS, AngularJS, and JavaScript.

The following illustrates the framework:

The Client Application Framework consists of, and uses, the following elements:

  • Application Development - This is a user interface to manage your custom client applications. Using Application Development, you can update, test, and deploy a custom applications.

    For information, see the TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Client Application Management Guide.

  • Business Components - Business components are used to render BPM-related controls in an application. These can be used as building blocks to create a client application.

    For information, see Business Components.

  • Component Services - Component services are used to perform BPM-related functions that would require several calls to the lower-level objectAPI. Component services are fully functional AngularJS services, and can be consumed by AngularJS clients.

    For more information, see Component Services.

  • objectAPI - The objectAPI provides services that contain functions for all available ActiveMatrix BPM functionality. Typically, you will use business components and component services to build an application, as those require less effort. However, not all ActiveMatrix BPM functionality is available by using business components and component services. If that additional functionality is needed, the objectAPI can be used to access it.

    For more information, see objectAPI.

  • Custom Client Application - This browser-based, Business Process Management (BPM) application can be created with technologies such as Bootstrap CSS and AngularJS. It can use business components to display BPM-specific user interfaces, component services to perform BPM-related functions, as well as make calls to the objectAPI services to perform BPM-specific functions.

    For more information, see Custom Client Application.