Business Component Services

Component services are used to perform BPM-related functions that would require several calls to the lower-level objectAPI. They can be used to extend or change existing business components, or to build new custom components.

Component services are fully functional AngularJS services that can be consumed by AngularJS clients. They make it much easier to perform certain BPM functions that require the use of multiple calls when done directly from the objectAPI - for example, opening a work item and displaying a form from a pageflow:

  • Using the objectAPI, you must perform this sequence of calls.
  • Using the BPMWorklistService, you can do the same thing with a single call:

    where openWorkitemServiceModel is an object containing the ID of the work item to be opened.

Component services:

  • are supplied as part of the TIBCO Component Framework library (tcf.nocache.js). They must be included in your application, but cannot be modified
  • are compiled for optimal load time and best performance.
  • only provide a subset of the functionality that is available from using the objectAPI directly.