Launching a Deployed Application

A WCC application (either the Workspace application, or a custom application) that is deployed is launched by pointing a browser at the application’s URL.

For example:



  • Host is the name or IP address of the machine hosting the BPM runtime.
  • Port is the port number used by the ActiveMatrix WebApp Implementation Type to communicate with web applications.
  • contextRoot is the root of the deployed application; it is the part of the URL between the host name / port number, and the launch fragment (application name with an html extension).

    If you are launching the Workspace application, the contextRoot is “workspace” by default. If you are launching a custom WCC application, this is the value that was entered in the contextRoot field when deploying the application—this is described in Deploying an Application After Customizing (step 12).

  • customApp is the name of the application. If you are launching the Workspace application, this is “workspace”. If you are launching a custom WCC application, this is the name that was given to the application when it was created in TIBCO General Interface Builder.