Importing Nimbus Process Diagrams

Nimbus Process Diagrams can be imported into into an existing TIBCO Business Studio project.

Note: In order to be imported into TIBCO Business Studio, Nimbus Process Diagrams must be exported from the Nimbus Control application using the Export To Business Studio option in the Nimbus Process Map editor (or Export Simplified XML in previous versions of Nimbus). See the TIBCO Nimbus Control documentation for more details.


  1. Right-click at the process package level of an open project and select Import > Import Nimbus Process Diagram(s).

    Alternatively, from the File menu, select Import, and from the Select page of the Import dialog expand the Business Process Management folder, select Nimbus Process Diagram(s) and click Next. This method will involve additional pages to those in the process below, which are explained in the wizard.

  2. On the Import Nimbus Process Diagram(s) page, in the From Directory: field, enter the directory where you saved your Nimbus Process Diagrams, or use the Browse button to find it.
  3. The Nimbus Process Diagrams in the directory you selected appear on the right hand side. Select the one(s) you require
  4. In the Into folder: field, enter the directory in which you want to place the Nimbus Process Diagrams.
  5. The Validate Import Files screen shows the validation status of Nimbus Process Diagram files. If the files are valid (in the expected simplified XML export format and containing only Nimbus simple diagrams) click Finish. If the files are not valid, you will not be able to finish and need to go back and re-export the files from Nimbus Control as simplified XML.
  6. The Nimbus Process Diagram files are now imported into the Process Packages folder you specified in step 4.