Add the Attribute Details


  1. Navigate to the plugin store which is stored in CONFIG_HOME\ tibcohost\AMX BPM\host\plugins.
  2. Within the plugin store, navigate to one of the following folders, as appropriate:



    for example:



    com.tibco.openspace.wccapps_<version>\wccapps\JSXAPPS\base\ locale

    for example:

    com.tibco.openspace.wccapps_1.4.0.019\wccapps\JSXAPPS\base\ locale
  3. Modify the eventLocale.xml file, search for the text 
<!-- eventAttributes.xml - Description attributes --> 
and add the text for new attributes as below:
    <record id="eventAttributes.DisplayName.customAttr1" text="Custom Attribute 1"/>
        <record id="eventAttributes.DisplayName.customAttr2" text="Custom Attribute 2"/>
  4. Search for the text 
<!-- eventDescriptions.xml - summary attributes --> 
and add the description for new attributes as below.
    <record id="eventAttributes.Description.customAttr1" text="Custom Attribute 1 added to demo custom audit trail"/>
        <record id="eventAttributes.Description.customAttr2" text="Custom Attribute 2 added to demo custom audit trail"/>
  5. The id attribute corresponds to the keys specified in the DisplayName and Description attribute values in Modify the Attribute List.
  6. The text attribute contains the string that displays in the Event Attribute list.
    Note: For more details on modifying the eventLocale.xml file, see "Event-Related Text" in the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization Guide.