Setting Visibility of Panes from the Mappings Tab

Using the Mappings tab, you can bind the Visible property of the Third Party Information pane to the Third Party Involved (ThirdPInvolved) parameter value.


  1. Click the Third Party Information pane so that its Properties view is displayed.
  2. Click the Mappings tab in the selected pane’s Properties view.
  3. In the Mappings tab view, the right pane displays the bindable properties of the selected Third Party Information pane.

    The left pane displays the bindable source properties to which the target elements are bound. It displays the Third Party Information pane and its ancestors all the way up to the containing form and also includes the form parameters and data fields.

  4. Drag the Third Party Involved (ThirdPInvolved) parameter from the source tree and drop it over the Third Party Information pane’s Visible property in the target tree.

    This creates a bidirectional binding and is represented by a connecting line.

  5. Edit this binding to change it to a unidirectional binding, by double-clicking the connecting line to open the Edit Binding dialog box.
  6. Select is updated by Third Party Involved (ThirdPInvolved) option.
  7. Click Finish.

    The connecting line now has an arrow end-point representing a unidirectional binding.

    Adding Binding from the Mappings Tab