Offering and Allocating Work Items

Functions are provided that are used to offer and allocate work items to resources.

These WorkItemManagementService functions are:

Operation Name When to Use
allocateWorkItem To allocate an offered work item to a single resource, when you need not retrieve the associated input and output data.
allocateAndOpenWorkItem To allocate an offered work item to a single resource. The work item is immediately opened and the associated input and output data is retrieved.
allocateAndOpenNextWorkItem To allocate the next offered work item to a single resource and immediately open that work item to get the associated input and output data.

The "next" work item is defined by the sort criteria set for the resource. If no sort criteria are set, the default criteria are used.

reallocateWorkItem To reallocate an opened work item to a different resource, or to reallocate a pended work item to a resource.

No data is changed.

reallocateWorkItemData To reallocate an opened or a pended work item to a different resource and write the new work item data.
unallocateWorkItem To reoffer a work item. A currently allocated work item is unallocated so that it is reoffered to the original offer set.

The following sections describe how to allocate work items to a target resource: