Setting Preferences for BPM Live Dev

You can set preferences for the BPM Live Dev perspective at the workspace level.

The following preferences are available for BPM Live Dev:
  • Local host: By default, the host name of the machine hosting the local TIBCO Business Studio instance is selected. It lists all the DNS host names configured on the local machine, which can be passed to the remote server. You can also refresh the list of DNS host names using the Refresh button next to the list.

    This host address is passed to Openspace and must be resolvable and reachable from the computer that hosts the Openspace server. By default, Openspace connects to Studio through the local loop-back interface to the host localhost/ If Openspace is hosted remotely, virtually or both, you must set the local host to an address that is resolvable and reachable from the Openspace server. If the network configuration of the local machine is multi-homed, the list contains all the host names and IP addresses from those network interfaces through which the configured Openspace host is reachable. To support a remote Openspace server, the firewall of the local computer must accept incoming HTTP connections on the configured preview port.

  • Render accessible user interface - It is not selected by default.
    Restriction: The BPM Live Dev perspective is not supported on accessible Openspace.
  • Render enhanced user interface - By default, forms in the old format are not rendered with the enhanced UI, and forms in the new format are rendered in the enhanced UI. You can force the enhanced user interface by selecting Always, or disable it entirely by selecting Disable.
  • Channel Type - The default channel is used. You can explicitly specify Desktop or Mobile to force the use of a particular channel type, however, it is discouraged. You can use it to force mobile forms to render on a desktop browser and vice versa, but it may not work well with all the browsers.
  • Logging Level - By default, no logging is done for BPM Live Dev. You can specify any of the following logging levels:
    • None
    • Fatal
    • Error
    • Warn
    • Info
    • Debug
    • Trace
  • Instrumentation Level: By default, performance metrics is not collected. However, you can specify either of the following levels:
    • None
    • Basic
    • Call counts
    • Call times

For more information on the instrumentation levels, see Performance Metrics.