
This request returns a list of business services for a specified category.

Also see queryBusinessServiceCategories.




  • requestId - (String) Uniquely identifies the request. For more information, see Submitting Server Requests.
  • category - (String) The name of the category whose business services are to be returned. This can be retrieved from the listBusinessServiceCategories or queryBusinessServiceCategories requests.
  • channelId - (String) Identifies the presentation channel. Note that for WCC applications, always pass the results of this.getChannelId() in this parameter.
  • includeFormalParams - (boolean) (optional: default = false) If true, business services with formal parameters are included in the result.


Returns an <ap:BusinessServiceTemplate> element for each business service in the specified category. Each <ap:BusinessServiceTemplate> element contains the following elements:

  • <ap:ModuleName> - The path to the XPDL file that defines the process package” in which the business service is defined.
  • <ap:ProcessName> - The name of the process started by the business service.
  • <ap:Version> - The version of the process started by the business service.
  • <ap:HasFormalParameters> - Indicates whether or not the business service includes formal parameters.

For example:

  <ap:QueryBusinessServices Id="ApiSample.queryBusinessServices">
        <ap:ModuleName>/Acme-Contact/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl</ap:ModuleName>