
This request returns a list of business services for a specified category.

Note that the difference between this request and queryBusinessServices is that this request returns the category name as part of the response so that if multiple requests are supplied in one action, it will be easier to match up categories with services.




  • requestId - (String) Uniquely identifies the request. For more information, see Submitting Server Requests.
  • category - (String) The name of the category whose business services are to be returned. This can be retrieved from the listBusinessServiceCategories or queryBusinessServiceCategories requests.
  • channelId - (String) Identifies the presentation channel. Note that for WCC applications, always pass the results of this.getChannelId() in this parameter.
  • includeFormalParams - (boolean) (optional: default = false) If true, business services with formal parameters are included in the result.


Returns an <ap:BusinessServiceTemplate> element for each business service in the specified category. This response also returns an <ap:BusinessCategory> element, which contains the name of the category, allowing you to match up categories with business service if multiple requests are supplied in one action.

Each <ap:BusinessServiceTemplate> element contains the following elements:

  • <ap:ModuleName> - The path to the XPDL file that defines the process package” in which the business service is defined.
  • <ap:ProcessName> - The name of the process started by the business service.
  • <ap:Version> - The version of the process started by the business service.
  • <ap:HasFormalParameters> - Indicates whether or not the business service includes formal parameters.

For example:

  <ap:QueryBusinessServiceCategories Id="ApiSample.queryBusinessServiceCategories">
            <ap:ModuleName>/Acme-Contact/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl</ap:ModuleName>
        <ap:ChildBusinessCategories />