Application Development System Actions

Access to functions in Application Development is controlled by system actions. System actions are actions that need to be authorized, or need to be restricted to users with a certain level of authority. These actions might include, for example, editing roles and applications, or publishing applications.

This authorization is implemented by associating system actions with privileges within the organization model that is built in TIBCO Business Studio. See TIBCO Business Studio Modelling Guide for more information. Some Application Development functions are controlled by a single system action and some are controlled by multiple system actions.

The table below describes the system actions that are required for Application Development and what each system action allows you to do.
System Action Allows you to ...
ViewRoles View the roles.
EditRoles Create/edit/delete roles and add/remove/update mappings of roles to organization entities.
Note: If you are creating, editing or deleting roles, you must also have the EditApplication system action.
EditLocales Edit resource bundles for a given application or to delete a resource bundle from a given application for a given locale. You cannot edit the resource bundles for locales for applications marked with the System permission.
Note: You must also have the EditApplication system action.
  • Deploy a new application.
  • Revert a deployed application to an earlier version.
  • Export a deployed application.
  • Clone a deployed application.
  • Delete a deployed application.
  • Update permissions of an application.
  • Executing an application in RAD/JAD mode (see Working Offline With Applications)
PublishApplication Publish a deployed application.

If you are developing applications that call any of the TIBCO Client Application Framework Object APIs or that access the services of any of the Application Development component services, then there are other system actions required. For example, if you are developing an application for users that uses the startBizAction operation from the BPMBusinessActionsService, a user would need to have the executeBusinessService system action. See the TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Client Application Developer's Guide for more information.