Work Offline With Application Development

You can deploy an application, and work offline in RAD (rapid application development)/JAD (joint application development) mode to edit and test.


Once you enter RAD/JAD mode, all the static resources continue to be served from the RAD/JAD host. You remain in RAD/JAD mode within your browser session until the RAD/JAD mode is disabled. The RAD JAD session is effective in all the tabs or windows opened within a given browser.

If you want to view the content from the BPM server location, you need to access it using a different browser. For example, you can use a RAD/JAD session in the Firefox browser and you can access the content from the BPM server in the Chrome browser.

Trying to use multiple tabs in a given browser session to access the content in the RAD/JAD mode and accessing the content directly from the BPM server does not work. In this case, these tabs work as if they are set in the RAD/JAD session.

When accessing an application in RAD/JAD mode, you must use a local machine URL. If you access an application using a remote URL, RAD/JAD mode is disabled.

To use RAD/JAD mode, you must be logged in as a user that has the EditApplication system action assigned. Also see: Application Development System Actions.


  1. Export the application.
  2. Unzip the exported application to either the local file system, for example:

    file:///<local drive>:/<apps>

    or to an external web server so that the application can be served from the web server.

  3. Access the runtime.

    In the URL, provide parameters to run in RAD/JAD mode, as follows:<port>/apps/<app name>/<landing page>?bpm_app_rad_enable=true&bpm_app_rad_artifacts_url=<local file directory or external server URL>

    • Set the bpm_app_rad_enable parameter to true to invoke RAD/JAD mode: bpm_app_rad_enable=true
    • Set the bpm_app_rad_artifacts_url parameter to a local file system path or a URL to an external web server hosting the resource artifacts for the client application.
      Note: If you specify a directory in the bpm_app_rad_artifacts_url query parameter, that directory must be on the local file system.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If you are hosting the application from an external web server, modify static resources files like HTML, CSS styles sheets, JavaScript, images, XML and JSON files.
    • If the application is in the local file system, modify the files (HTML, CSS styles sheets, JavaScript, images, XML and JSON files) present on the local file system.
  5. Refresh the application by reentering the URL with the RAD/JAD parameters (see Step 3.)
  6. To exit RAD/JAD mode, set the parameter in the URL to bpm_app_rad_enable=false.

    The RAD/JAD exit URL is in the following format:<port>/apps/<app name>/<landing page>?bpm_app_rad_enable=false