Executing Manual Ad-Hoc Activities

Manual ad-hoc activities can be defined for all processes, including processes that use case data. If there are any manual ad-hoc activities defined in a process, you can execute them in one of three ways; from the Work Views gadget, the Case Management gadget (if the processes are using case data) or from a work item form.

A manual ad-hoc activity is a standalone task in a business process. A process can have multiple manual ad-hoc activities. Depending on how the ad-hoc activities have been defined, they can be executed once or multiple times during the lifetime of a process instance. Manual ad-hoc activities either create a work-item or call a sub-process. See TIBCO Business Studio Modelling Guide for more information.

In Openspace, the following information may be provided for each ad-hoc activity.
Option Description
Ad-Hoc Activity Name The name of the ad-hoc activity is defined in the process in TIBCO Business Studio, at design-time.
Process Instance Name The name of the process instance from which the ad-hoc activities can be performed.
Case ID (applies to the Case Management gadget only). The case ID associated with the ad hoc activities.
Process Template Name (applies to the Work View gadget only) The name of the process template from which the ad-hoc activities can be performed.
The ad-hoc activity is currently executing.
The number of times the ad-hoc activity has been executed.
The ad-hoc activity is disabled and cannot be executed. For example, there may be a precondition for this activity that is not satisfied and so the activity cannot be started.
Select this to execute the ad-hoc activity.
The ad-hoc activity can be started multiple times.
Select this to cancel the ad-hoc activity currently in progress.
The ad-hoc activity is an automatic ad-hoc activity.
Note: Automatic ad-hoc activities cannot be executed manually.


  • You must be logged in as a user that has privileges with the startAndCancelAdHocActivity system action assigned to view the ad-hoc windows. There may also be privileges applied to each ad-hoc activity which are required to start an instance.
  • The process instance must be started.


  1. There are three ways you can execute manual ad-hoc activities:
    • From the Work Views gadget. You can either:
      • Select the work item for the process that has ad-hoc activities defined and select .
      • Open the work item and from the work item form, select .
    • From the Case Management gadget, perform a search to retrieve a list of cases. See Performing an Ad-hoc Search or Performing an Advanced Search. Once you have selected a case, select Case Navigation > Manage Ad-Hoc Activities.
    The ad hoc activities for the selected case or process instance displays.
  2. Find the ad-hoc activity you want to execute.
    Note that:
    • You can use the Search facility to find the ad-hoc activity you want to execute. This is a text based search and it searches all the text that is currently displayed. The search is dynamic so as you start typing, the ad-hoc activities that match the text you are typing automatically display.
    • You can toggle off the automatic and disabled ad-hoc activities by selecting and selecting either Show automatic or Show disabled, depending on your requirements.
  3. Select to start the ad-hoc activity.
    When an ad-hoc activity is started, it's status changes to . You can select at any time to cancel the ad-hoc activity.
    Note: The page does not automatically refresh. If you try to cancel an ad-hoc activity and you receive an error, it means that the ad-hoc activity has already finished.
  4. Process the work item. See Processing Work Items.
  5. Once the work item is completed, the ad-hoc activity displays either or , depending on whether or not the activity can be executed again.
  6. You can refresh the page at any time by selecting .
  7. Select OK to close the ad-hoc activity page.