
Loads a custom interface into a specified parent container. This method is useful for custom WCC applications that utilize custom interfaces, but do not have locations for displaying interfaces that correspond to the locations in the Workspace application ('Area A', 'Area B', etc.).

This method is also useful when running custom scripts in the Workspace application that must dynamically load custom interfaces that are not defined in customInterfaces.xml.


loadCustomInterface(type, source, location, features, subscribe, publish);


  • type - (string) 'simpleIframe', 'simpleHubIframe', or 'simplePrototype'.
  • source - (string) A source URL if type is 'simpleHubIframe' or 'simpleIframe', or a path to a TIBCO General Interface prototype if type is 'simplePrototype'.
  • location - (string or Object) Parent container for the custom interface. Either 'dialog', 'browser', 'areaA', 'areaB', 'areaC', or 'areaD' if loading the interface into the Workspace application. An exception is thrown if the location is not valid for the type of interface (see Valid Custom Interface Locations).

    If loading the interface in a custom WCC application, this is a reference to the parent container that is to display the interface. Note that an exception is thrown if the parent container does not support the setChild method.

  • features - (string) If location is 'dialog' or 'browser', this is a comma-separated string containing the positioning and display features to apply (see the features attribute on page 50).
  • subscribe - (string) This is only applicable if type is 'simpleHubIframe'. A comma-separated string of event topics to which this interface subscribes. If no subscriptions are desired, an empty string must be passed.
  • publish - (string) This is only applicable if type is 'simpleHubIframe'. A comma-separated string of event topics that this interface publishes. If no publish events are desired, an empty string must be passed.


The return object is the parent container of the custom interface that has been loaded.