Creating a New Event Resource File

You must have a separate event resource file for every language, as well as every country-specific language.

For instance, if you are adding a Spanish general resource file ( and it includes key attributes for country-specific “es_ES” and “es_MX” translations, then you need the following event resource files:

  • eventLocale.es_ES.xml
  • eventLocale.es_MX.xml

The following illustrates creating the needed event resource files.


  1. Ensure the event resource file for the language exists (for example,
    1. If the needed event resource file exists, open it.
    2. If the needed event resource file does not exist, copy one of the other ones that does exist (one of those without text strings yet), change the file name to include the appropriate language code (for example for Spanish), then open it.
  2. Also open the default English (United States) event resource file, eventLocale.xml.
  3. From the eventLocale.xml file, copy all of the text string records within the <data> </data> elements.
  4. Paste those records to the eventLocale.ll.xml file you opened in step 1, between the <data> </data> elements.
  5. Translate all of the text attribute string values for the appropriate language.

    Note - Any record elements that are removed from the new event resource file will cause the application to “fall back” to the strings specified in the default English (United States) eventLocale.xml file.

  6. Save and close both the new event resource file and eventLocales.xml.
  7. If you also adding country-specific translations, you must also create country-specific event resource files (as in this example for Spanish (Spain) and Spanish (Mexico)). To do this:
    1. Make a copy of the new event resource file you saved and closed in step 6.
    2. Rename the copied file to include the country code, for example, eventLocale.es_ES (for information about country codes, see Country-Specific Translations).
    3. Open the country-specific event resource file and modify the text strings in the text attributes for the country-specific translations. Note that any record elements that are removed from the country-specific event resource file will cause the application to “fall back” to the strings specified in the language-specific event resource file (for example,
    4. Save and close the country-specific event resource file.
    5. Repeat steps 7a-7d for each country-specific language that is being added.