Properties View Tabs

Forms, panes, and controls can be configured by specifying or modifying values in Properties views. Each form, as well as each of its panes and controls, has a Properties view with a set of tabs, and each tab provides access to a group of properties.

The tabs on a Properties view provide easy access to the many properties you can set for the objects on a form. Properties tabs are provided for: Forms, Data, Parameter, Shared Actions, Rules, Pane, and Controls.

Properties View Tabs
Properties View Tabs Description
General Tab Specify a CSS class to be used for styling at the form level.
Mappings Tab Shows a global view of all the bindings and computation actions in the form.
Font Tab Settings for font properties at the form level, which may be inherited by objects on the form.
Child Layout Tab Settings for layout properties of top-level panes, which inherit from the form.
Child Labels Tab Setting for label properties of top-level panes, which inherit from the form.
Rules Tab Shows the rules to be triggered by a form event.
Resources Tab Shows resources associated with the form, such as JavaScript files and images.
Preview Data Tab Setting for a preview data file, either none (no data appear initially for the controls), default, or custom (to assign a custom preview data file to the form).
General Tab General properties of the pane.
Properties Tab Visual properties of the pane, inherited from the containing pane or form by default which, in turn, overrides the system defaults.
Mappings Tab Shows a global view of all the bindings and computation actions related to the pane.
Layout Tab Layout properties for the pane, inherited from the parent pane by default.
Font Tab Font settings, used if the Form Designer does not want the pane to inherit these properties from the containing parent form or pane.
Child Layout Tab Settings for layout properties of those objects that inherit from this pane.
Child Labels Setting for label properties of those objects that inherit from this pane.
Validations Tab For writing scripts that run when the form is submitted or updated, and to check whether you have provided valid input for the pane.

This tab is not visible when in Business Analysis mode.

Rules Tab The Rules tab lists the Rules triggered by each of the events supported by the pane, and provides a mechanism to create new Rules for that the pane.
Mobile Tab Used for mobile specific configurations.
General Tab General properties of a control.
Properties Tab Properties that are specific to the type of the control being configured. Fields on this tab vary between control types. Some control types do not have a properties tab.
Mappings Tab Shows a global view of all the bindings and computation actions related to a control.
Layout Tab Layout properties for the control, inherited from the parent pane by default.
Font Tab Font properties for the control, inherited from the parent pane by default.
Validations Tab For writing scripts that run when the form is submitted or updated, and to check whether you have provided valid input for the control.

This tab is not visible when in Business Analysis mode.

Rules Tab The Rules tab lists the Rules triggered by each of the events supported by the Control, and provides a mechanism to create new Rules for that control.
Mobile Tab The Mobile tab is used for mobile specific configurations.