Dragging the Controls

You can add user interface items to an existing form using the drag and drop gestures. See Drag and Drop Gesture to Customize a Form for details.


  1. Drag the following controls into the Customer Information pane:
    1. Customer Name
    2. Customer Phone
    3. Customer Email
    4. Birth Date
    5. Customer Age
    6. Guardian Name
    7. Claim Amount
  2. Drag the following controls into the Accident Information pane:
    1. Accident Time
    2. Personal Injury
    3. Accident Description
    4. Third Party Involved
    5. Witness Available
  3. Drag the following controls into the Third Party Information pane:
    1. Third Party Name
    2. Insurance Name
    3. Insurance Number
    4. Third Party Amount
  4. Leave the following controls in the Witness Information pane:
    1. Witness Name
    2. Witness Phone