Modifying Control Properties: Labels, Required, and Hint Values

Labels are derived from the relevant datum label of the XPDL process. If you set the datum label and Required and Hints properties manually, they get overwritten next time parameters are synchronized.

The next step is to modify the labels and, in some cases, the Required and Hint properties of the controls by editing values on the controls’ property sheets.


  1. Click the Customer Name control.

    On the General tab of the control’s Properties view, change the value in the Label field to Name.

    Note: The Required check box is already selected as the parameter CustName is defined as Mandatory at user task interface level.
    Customer Name Parameter Defined as Mandatory
  2. Similarly, change the label Customer Phone to Phone.
  3. Add the following text to the Hint field for this control to illustrate the format that our application requires for phone numbers: Example (888) 888-8888.

    In a real world situation, the required format for a phone number would be an application-specific requirement.

    Note: The hint is intended to assist the user in typing a valid value for a control. It appears underneath the field when the form is rendered at runtime.
  4. Change the label Customer Email to Email.
    Note: You want to require that a value be typed for either the Phone or the Email field, but both values will not be required. This functionality is best configured with a script, which will be presented in a later tutorial. You can leave the Required check box cleared for both Phone and Email.
  5. Change the label Birth Date to Date of Birth.
  6. Make sure that the Required check box is selected, so that a value is required at runtime for this field.
    Tip: Since you placed the controls in the Customer Information pane, it is not necessary to repeat the word Customer in the label for each control. This is generally a good practice because it results in a cleaner, easier-to-use form.
  7. Change the label Customer Age to Age.
  8. The Label and Required properties for the Guardian Name field do not need to be changed. However, you want to add the following text to the Hint field for this control to explain that a guardian’s name must be supplied if the customer is under 21 years old: If age is less than 21.
  9. Change the label Accident Time to Time of Accident.

    Make sure that the Required check box is selected, so that a value is required at runtime.

  10. Change the label Accident Description to Customer > Description.
  11. Change the label Insurance Name to Insurance Company.
  12. Add the following text to the Hint field for the Witness Phone control to illustrate the format that our application requires for phone numbers: Example (888) 888-8888.