
OpenWorkitemServiceModel is the object model used by BPMWorkListService operations to pass data in service requests and responses when opening a work item.

Required Attributes

Name Type Description
formDiv String ID of the Div element in which to render the work item form.
guid String GUID of the logged in user, used to authenticate and authorize the service request. The GUID can be obtained by using the BPMLoginService.getExtendedUserInfo operation.
id String ID of the work item to be opened

Optional Attributes

Name Type Description
channelId String ID of the presentation channel to be used to display the work item form.

Default value = openspaceGWTPull_DefaultChannel

channelType String Enumerated value defining the channel type (technology) associated with the specified channelid. See Identifying the Client Channel in a Service Call for more information.

Default value = openspaceChannel.

localeKey String Locale to be used to display the work item form.

Default value = en_US

version String Version of the work item.

Default value = -1 (which means use the latest version).

workListViewId String ID of the work list view associated with this work item.

ID of the work list view This is used to determine the work item to open next.

Note: This attribute is used to determine the work item to open next, so can only be used with openNextWorkItem.

Default value = -1 (which means use the default work view).

See the following topics for specific information on how BPMWorkListService operations use the OpenWorkitemServiceModel object model: