
Resolve a collection of specified calendar reference GUIDs, by returning the identifier of the calendar instance with which each reference is associated.

  • A calendar reference is created in TIBCO Business Studio. It consists of either:
    • a calendar alias (free text that identifies a calendar), enabling a user to map the reference to the most appropriate base or overlay calendar, using the Calendar gadget in Openspace, or
    • a reference to a process data field that will provide the calendar alias at runtime.
  • The calendar reference GUIDs used in this request might be obtained from the responses to OpenOrgModel.
  • More than one calendar reference may be associated with the same calendar.
  • The response contains the same list of calendar references as requested, plus the identifier of the calendar instance that each reference is associated with.
  • If any reference is not associated with a calendar instance, it is still included in the response but no calendar is identified for that reference.
Action ResolveReference
Parameter Notes reference  contains the GUIDs of the calendar references to be resolved, one reference per repetition of the parameter.
Return ResolveReferencesResult

Required System Action
