
Provides an outline of the organization model. It then lists the following organization model entities:

  • Organization
  • Organization Unit
  • Position
  • Group
  • Location

It also returns

  • the unique ID of each of these entities.
  • a list of those resources associated with the organization model entities, identified by their unique identifiers (GUIDs).
Action OpenOrgModel
  • getVersion: the version number of the organization model you want to open.
  • isGetCalendarRefs: If set to true, the calendar references for the organizational entities are also retrieved.
Return OrgModelEntityResult
private void getOrgModel()
BPMWebClientService.getInstance().execute(new OpenOrgModel(-1,false),
new AsyncCallback<OrgModelEntityResult>()
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
Window.alert("Error: " + caught.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(OrgModelEntityResult result)
if (result != null && result.getEntities() != null)
for (OrgModelEntity entity : result.getEntities())
TreeItem item = new TreeItem(entity.getName());
addChildren(item, entity.getChildren());

Required System Action
