Undelivered Work Items

Organization Model Version 0 contains an "Undelivered" group to which all work items are sent that cannot be sent to their intended recipient, for whatever reason.

The System Administrator, tibco-admin, is a member of the Undelivered group by default; the System Administrator cannot be removed from this group.

A user other than the System Administrator should be mapped to the Undelivered group so that there is someone who will receive undelivered work items. Use the Organization Browser to map a user to the Undelivered group. In this example, the user Leon Court is a member of the group:

Note, however, you cannot distinguish undelivered work items from work items that would be received because of membership in other groups or positions, so only a user who would deal exclusively with those types of work items should be mapped to this group.

For information about determining why a work item was sent to the Undelivered group, see Determining Why a Work Item was Undelivered.