Configuring the Application Log

The Application Log can be configured using the logging record in the application’s config.xml file.


  1. Open the config.xml file.

    If you are configuring a deployed application, open config.xml via the Configuration Administrator; if you are configuring a non-deployed application, open config.xml via the file system. For more information, see Introduction.

  2. Locate the logging record:
    <record jsxid="logging" type="Workspace"     appLogLevel="ERROR"    echoToJsxLog="false">
  3. Set the logging record’s attributes as follows:
    1. Set the appLogLevel attribute to indicate the default value for the Log Level drop-down list in the Application Log. The valid entries are:
      • OFF
      • FATAL
      • ERROR
      • WARN
      • INFO
      • DEBUG
      • TRACE
    2. Set the echoToJsxLog attribute to indicate if the log contents should be echoed to the Application Monitor (see Application Monitor), as follows:
      • “true” causes the contents of the Application Log to be echoed to the Application Monitor.
      • “false”causes the contents of the Application Log to not be echoed to the Application Monitor.
  4. Save and close the config.xml file.