
BusinessActionsServiceModel is the object model used by the BPMBusinessActionsService.startBizAction operation to pass data in its request and response when starting a selected business action.


Name Type Description
businessActionItemData BusinessServiceTemplate object Details of the business action. This object can be obtained from BusinessActionsServiceModel.actionGroups populated by a fetchTopCategories or fetchChildCategories call.
channelId String ID of the presentation channel to be used to display the business action form.

Default value = openspaceGWTPull_DefaultChannel

channelType String Enumerated value defining the channel type (technology) associated with the specified channelid. See Identifying the Client Channel in a Service Call for more information.

Default value = openspaceChannel.

formDiv String ID of the Div element in which to render the business action form.
localeKey String Locale to be used to display the business action form.

Default value = en_US

payload String Payload for the business action.