complexType ExportResource
diagram de_exporter_diagrams/de_exporter_p5.png
children container resource push-destination
used by
elements exportResourcesResponse importResourcesRequest
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
model-version  xs:int  optional  -1    
Type definition for the complete exported object details.
source <xs:complexType name="ExportResource">
<xs:documentation>Type definition for the complete exported object details.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="container" type="ldap:XmlLdapContainerExport" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Details of all LDAP containers that are currently configured in Directory Engine.

Note that these LDAP containers contain LDAP alias references. If the same LDAP references do not exist in the import environment runtime errors will occur.
<xs:element name="resource" type="ResourceDetail" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Details of all resource mappings that are currently configured in Directory Engine. (This also includes resources that have been created as users but not mapped to any positions or groups.)

Note that these resource definitions contain:

- organization model entity references (unique IDs). If the same organization model entity references do not exist on the import environment runtime errors will occur.

-  LDAP references (ldapalias and ldapdn). If the same LDAP references are not available on the import environment runtime errors will occur.
<xs:element name="push-destination" type="PushDestinationDetail" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Details of all push destinations that are currently configured in Directory Engine.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="model-version" type="xs:int" use="optional" default="-1"/>

attribute ExportResource/@model-version
type xs:int
use optional
default -1
source <xs:attribute name="model-version" type="xs:int" use="optional" default="-1"/>

element ExportResource/container
diagram de_exporter_diagrams/de_exporter_p6.png
type XmlLdapContainerExport
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children primary-ldap primary-group-ldap secondary-ldap secondary-group-ldap attribute-mapping administered-organisation candidate-query
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xs:long  optional  0    
Unique ID of the LDAP container.
name  xs:string  required      
Unique name of the LDAP container.
description  xs:string  optional      
Description of the LDAP container.
active  xs:boolean    true    
Indicates if this container has been marked as deleted.
entity-count  xs:int  optional      
Only specified when this XmlLdapContainer is used in a service response. The count of the number of LDAP entries this container referenced. This count is set when the container is queried. The count may not be currently correct if the LDAP directory has been modified since the count was set.
last-accessed  xs:dateTime  optional      
Date and time on which the LDAP container was last queried, and the date on which the entity-count above was set.
Details of all LDAP containers that are currently configured in Directory Engine.

Note that these LDAP containers contain LDAP alias references. If the same LDAP references do not exist in the import environment runtime errors will occur.
source <xs:element name="container" type="ldap:XmlLdapContainerExport" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Details of all LDAP containers that are currently configured in Directory Engine.

Note that these LDAP containers contain LDAP alias references. If the same LDAP references do not exist in the import environment runtime errors will occur.

element ExportResource/resource
diagram de_exporter_diagrams/de_exporter_p7.png
type ResourceDetail
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children resourceCapability positionHeld resourceGroup parameter secondary-ldap
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xs:string  required      
Unique ID of the resource.
name  xs:string  required      
Name of the resource.
label  xs:string  optional      
The name of the resource used for display purposes.
startDate  xs:dateTime  optional      
Date/time at which the resource becomes available.
endDate  xs:dateTime  optional      
Date/time at which the resource becomes unavailable.
locationId  xs:string  optional      
ID of the location associated with this resource.
resourceType  xs:string  optional      
Type of this resource.
ldapalias  xs:string        
LDAP alias associated with this resource (only for resources whose resourceType is human).
ldapdn  xs:string        
LDAP DN associated with this resource (only for resources whose resourceType is human).
ldapcontainer  xs:string        
LDAP container name associated with this resource (only if this LDAP container is part of this export).
Details of all resource mappings that are currently configured in Directory Engine. (This also includes resources that have been created as users but not mapped to any positions or groups.)

Note that these resource definitions contain:

- organization model entity references (unique IDs). If the same organization model entity references do not exist on the import environment runtime errors will occur.

-  LDAP references (ldapalias and ldapdn). If the same LDAP references are not available on the import environment runtime errors will occur.
source <xs:element name="resource" type="ResourceDetail" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Details of all resource mappings that are currently configured in Directory Engine. (This also includes resources that have been created as users but not mapped to any positions or groups.)

Note that these resource definitions contain:

- organization model entity references (unique IDs). If the same organization model entity references do not exist on the import environment runtime errors will occur.

-  LDAP references (ldapalias and ldapdn). If the same LDAP references are not available on the import environment runtime errors will occur.

element ExportResource/push-destination
diagram de_exporter_diagrams/de_exporter_p8.png
type PushDestinationDetail
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children dynamic-id-attr qualifierSet XMLPushDestination
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
model-version  xs:int  optional  -1    
Major version number of the organization model in which an organization model entity resides.

If not specified, the default value will be the latest version of the organization model.

(Version numbers must be compatible with, and conform to, the OSGi version number schema. For Directory Engine, only the major part of the version number is significant.)
entity-type  OrganisationalEntityType  required      
Enumerated value defining the type of the organization model entity.
guid  xs:string  required      
Globally unique ID of the organization model entity.

(Although this value is unique across all entities, if the entity exists within more than one major version, it will share the same GUID.)
qualifier  xs:string  optional      
Only applicable in certain circumstances, and only to organization model entities whose entity-type is PRIVILEGE or CAPABILITY. These entities can have an association with other entities - for example, a resource may hold many capabilities, or a position may have many privileges.

These associations can have a qualifying value, according to their nature, to differentiate them. For example, the PRIVILEGE to sign off a purchase order may be qualified with the maximum amount that can be signed off.
Details of all push destinations that are currently configured in Directory Engine.
source <xs:element name="push-destination" type="PushDestinationDetail" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Details of all push destinations that are currently configured in Directory Engine.</xs:documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor